chord progression is very evocative of snes jrpg's. You really know how to nail those jazzy chord changes.
chord progression is very evocative of snes jrpg's. You really know how to nail those jazzy chord changes.
Dude, you're always coming through with the cleanest playing and best tones on NG. Especially on that bass, so punchy. Immaculate composition, execution, and mixing.
Thank you so much! I love your playing too man. Thanks for listening and commenting.
really nailing the runescape magic here
I love those tracks. Much appreciated! I love it when my music is relatable; it's part of what keeps me creating :)
definitely for spending a rainy day indoors. beautiful.
huge bugsnax vibes (this is the highest compliment btw)
thx (idk what that is but it looks,..... interesting lol)!!
You ever think of applying for a job at falcom? This would fit right in on a Trails soundtrack.
If theyre hiring im in lol
Great melody and phrasing. Very fitting for Silent Hill for sure.
Woah, crystal clear production. I love those swelling string harmonies over those Piano chords, I felt like I was listening to one of Nier Replicant's darker tracks. Super cool and natural progression throughout :)
Thanks for taking a listen and all of your kind words, man :)! I've never played Nier Replicant before, but a comparison to any video game soundtrack is really an honor. Perhaps it's something I'll have to try out in the near future now lol.
thanks for getting me through all my classes over the years. always nice to see you post new stuff. always get american football vibes from how you layer melodies.
your chord progressions are so cool
Age 30, Male
Joined on 12/16/10